
Looking for a flower shop in The Hague? Garden Centre Nieuw Hanenburg proudly offers a wide range of cut flowers! Our dedicated staff will help make any occasion memorable.
Flowers for every occasion in The Hague
Our dedicated florist will make a flower bouquet to your wishes for every occasion! Do you need a:
- birthday bouquet
- funeral arrangement
- mother’s day bouquet
- a bouquet for any special occasion
- wedding flowers
- bouquet of red roses to surprise your lover
- hand-tied bouquet for no special reason? Visit our flower shop in The Hague!
We have many different types of flowers available, but remember: flowers are seasonal so our assortment varies. Our florist will use the very best seasonal flowers available to create stunning hand-tied bouquets. And, of course, you decide on the design.
Fresh flowers in The Hague
Our flower shop in The Hague is stocked with the most recent and fresh flowers on a daily basis. On request, you can compose a bouquet or arrangement of your choice. Remember, when bringing your hand-tied bouquet home: flowers need fresh water to keep them alive, so add fresh water every day to keep them beautiful. Flower food ensures that you can enjoy your flowers much longer. By adding flower food, you can extend the vase life of your flowers by up to 60%. We also recommend topping up the vase water with the right proportion of water and flower food. We offer both powder and liquid formulas.
Flower Delivery in The Hague
Our flower shop offers same day flower delivery in The Hague and surroundingareas. Delivery is available for all orders above € 15,- and costs € 5,- per order. Delivery is free of charge for all orders above € 50,-.
Do you have questions about our collection of flowers or delivery? Call us or visit us! We’re looking forward to welcome you at our flower shop in The Hague. We hope to see you soon at our flower shop in The Hague!
Tuincentrum Nieuw Hanenburg
Hanenburglaan 266
2565 HC Den Haag
- Call us: +31703605292
- [email protected]